Webpack 4 was released in February 2018. Since then we shipped a lot of features without breaking changes. We know that people dislike major changes with breaking changes. Especially with webpack, which people usually only touch twice a year, and the remaining time it "just works". But shipping features without breaking changes also has a cost: We can't do major API or architectural improvements.
So from time to time, there is a point where the difficulties pile up and we are forced to do breaking changes to not mess everything up. That's the time for a new major version. So webpack 5 contains these architectural improvements and the features that were not possible to implement without them.
The major version was also the chance to revise some of the defaults and to align with proposals and specifications that come up in the meantime.
So today (2020-10-10) webpack 5.0.0 is released, but this doesn't mean it's done, bugfree or even feature-complete. As with webpack 4 we continue development by fixing problems and adding features. In the next days there will probably be a lot bugfixes. Features will come later.
It means we finished doing breaking changes. Many refactorings have been done to up-level the architecture and create a good base for future features (and current features).
It depends. There is a good chance that upgrading fails and you would need to give it a second or 3rd try. If you are open to that, try to upgrade now and provide feedback to webpack, plugins and loaders. We are eager to fix those problems. Someone has to start and you would be one of the first ones benefiting from it.
Webpack is fully based upon sponsoring. It's not tied to (and paid by) a big company like some other Open Source projects. 99% of the earnings from sponsoring are distributed towards contributors and maintainers based on the contributions they do. We believe in investing the money towards making webpack better.
But there is a pandemic, and companies ain't that much open to sponsoring anymore. Webpack is suffering under these circumstances too (like many other companies and people).
We were never able to pay our contributors the amount we think they deserve, but now we only have half of the money available, so we need to make a more serious cut. Until the situation improves we will only pay contributors and maintainers the first 10 days of each month. The remaining days they could work voluntarily, paid by their employer, work on something else, or take some days off. This allows us to pay for their work in the first 10 days more equivalent to the invested time.
The biggest "Thank You" goes to trivago which has been sponsoring webpack a huge amount for the last 3 years. Sadly they are unable to continue their sponsorship this year, as they have been hit hard by Covid-19. I hope some other company steps up and follows these (gigantic) footsteps.
Thanks to all the sponsors.
This release focus on the following:
See here for a migration guide
All items deprecated in v4 were removed.
MIGRATION: Make sure that your webpack 4 build does not print deprecation warnings.
Here are a few things that were removed but did not have deprecation warnings in v4:
New deprecations include a deprecation code so they are easier to reference.
has been deprecated and will emit a warning by default when used.
Behavior can be changed with Rule.parser.requireInclude
to allowed, deprecated or disabled.
In the early days, webpack's aim was to allow running most Node.js modules in the browser, but the module landscape changed and many module uses are now written mainly for frontend purposes. Webpack <= 4 ships with polyfills for many of the Node.js core modules, which are automatically applied once a module uses any of the core modules (i.e. the crypto
While this makes using modules written for Node.js easier, it adds these huge polyfills to the bundle. In many cases these polyfills are unnecessary.
Webpack 5 stops automatically polyfilling these core modules and focus on frontend-compatible modules. Our goal is to improve compatibility with the web platform, where Node.js core modules are not available.
field in package.json
to make a package frontend-compatible. Provide alternative implementations/dependencies for the browser.New algorithms were added for long term caching. These are enabled by default in production mode.
chunkIds: "deterministic"
moduleIds: "deterministic"
mangleExports: "deterministic"
The algorithms assign short (3 or 5 digits) numeric IDs to modules and chunks and short (2 characters) names to exports in a deterministic way. This is a trade-off between bundle size and long term caching.
moduleIds/chunkIds/mangleExports: false
disables the default behavior and one can provide a custom algorithm via plugin. Note that in webpack 4 moduleIds/chunkIds: false
without custom plugin resulted in a working build, while in webpack 5 you must provide a custom plugin.
MIGRATION: Best use the default values for chunkIds
, moduleIds
and mangleExports
. You can also opt-in to the old defaults chunkIds: "size", moduleIds: "size", mangleExports: "size"
, this will generate smaller bundles, but invalidate them more often for caching.
Note: In webpack 4 hashed module ids yielded reduced gzip performance. This was related to changed module order and has been fixed.
Note: In webpack 5, deterministic
Ids are enabled by default in production mode
Webpack 5 will use a real hash of the file content when using [contenthash]
now. Before it "only" used a hash of the internal structure.
This can be positive impact on long term caching when only comments are changed or variables are renamed. These changes are not visible after minimizing.
A new named chunk id algorithm enabled by default in development mode gives chunks (and filenames) human-readable names.
A Module ID is determined by its path, relative to the context
A Chunk ID is determined by the chunk's content.
So you no longer need to use import(/* webpackChunkName: "name" */ "module")
for debugging.
But it would still make sense if you want to control the filenames for production environments.
It's possible to use chunkIds: "named"
in production, but make sure not to accidentally expose sensitive information about module names.
MIGRATION: If you dislike the filenames being changed in development, you can pass chunkIds: "natural"
to use the old numeric mode.
Webpack 5 adds a new feature called "Module Federation", which allows multiple webpack builds to work together. From runtime perspective modules from multiple builds will behave like a huge connected module graph. From developer perspective modules can be imported from specified remote builds and used with minimal restrictions.
For more details see this separate guide.
JSON modules now align with the proposal and emit a warning when a non-default export is used. JSON modules no longer have named exports when importing from a strict ECMAScript module.
MIGRATION: Use the default export.
Even when using the default export, unused properties are dropped by the optimization.usedExports
optimization and properties are mangled by the optimization.mangleExports
It's possible to specify a custom JSON parser in Rule.parser.parse
to import JSON-like files (e.g. for toml, yaml, json5, etc.).
is an alias for module.hot
which is also available in strict ESMimport.meta.webpack
is the webpack major version as numberimport.meta.url
is the file:
url of the current file (similar to __filename
but as file url)Webpack 5 has now native support for modules representing assets. These modules will either emit a file into the output folder or inject a DataURI into the javascript bundle. Either way they give a URL to work with.
They can be used via multiple ways:
import url from "./image.png"
and setting type: "asset"
in module.rules
when matching such import. (old way)new URL("./image.png", import.meta.url)
(new way)The "new way" syntax was chosen to allow running code without bundler too. This syntax is also available in native ECMAScript modules in the browser.
When combining new URL
for assets with new Worker
/new SharedWorker
webpack will automatically create a new entrypoint for a web worker.
new Worker(new URL("./worker.js", import.meta.url))
The syntax was chosen to allow running code without bundler too. This syntax is also available in native ECMAScript modules in the browser.
Webpack 5 supports handling of protocols in requests.
is supported. Base64 or raw encoding is supported. Mimetype can be mapped to loaders and module type in module.rules
. Example: import x from "data:text/javascript,export default 42"
is supported.http(s):
is supported, but requires opt-in via new webpack.experiments.schemesHttp(s)UriPlugin()
Fragments in requests are supported: Example: ./file.js#fragment
Webpack 5 supports so called "async modules". That are modules that do not evaluate synchronously, but are async and Promise-based instead.
Importing them via import
is automatically handled and no additional syntax is needed and difference is hardly notice-able.
Importing them via require()
will return a Promise that resolves to the exports.
In webpack there are multiple ways to have async modules:
Webpack 5 adds additional external types to cover more applications:
: An expression that evaluates to a Promise. The external module is an async module and the resolved value is used as module exports.
: Native import()
is used to load the specified request. The external module is an async module.
: Not implemented yet, but planned to load modules via import x from "..."
: Loads a url via <script>
tag and gets the exports from a global variable (and optionally properties of it). The external module is an async module.
The exports
and imports
field in package.json is now supported.
Yarn PnP is supported natively.
See more details in package exports.
Webpack 5 allows to pass a list of targets and also support versions of target.
Examples: target: "node14"
target: ["web", "es2020"]
This enables us to provide webpack all the information it needs to determine:
The Stats test format has been improved regarding readability and verbosity. The defaults have been improved to be less verbose and also suitable for large builds.
and auxiliaryFiles
. It will show the timestamp in the summary.stats.children
.A few improvements have been done to the ProgressPlugin
which is used for --progress
by the CLI, but can also be used manually as plugin.
It used to only count the processed modules. Now it can count entries
and modules
All of them are shown by default now.
It used to display the currently processed module. This caused much stderr output and yielded a performance problem on some consoles.
This is now disabled by default (activeModules
option). This also reduces the amount of spam on the console.
Now writing to stderr during building modules is throttled to 500ms.
The profiling mode also got an upgrade and will display timings of nested progress messages. This makes it easier to figure out which plugin is causing performance problems.
A newly added percentBy
-option tells ProgressPlugin
how to calculate progress percentage.
new webpack.ProgressPlugin({ percentBy: 'entries' });
To make progress percentage more accurate ProgressPlugin
caches the last known total modules count and reuses this value on the next build. The first build will warm the cache but the following builds will use and update this value.
In webpack 4 multiple webpack runtimes could conflict on the same HTML page, because they use the same global variable for chunk loading. To fix that it was needed to provide a custom name to the output.jsonpFunction
Webpack 5 does automatically infer a unique name for the build from package.json
and uses this as default for output.uniqueName
This value is used to make all potential conflicting globals unique.
MIGRATION: Remove output.jsonpFunction
in favor of a unique name in your package.json
Webpack 5 will determine the output.publicPath
automatically when possible.
Webpack 5 generates typescript typings from source code and exposes them via the npm package.
MIGRATION: Remove @types/webpack
. Update references when names differ.
Webpack is now able to track access to nested properties of exports. This can improve Tree Shaking (Unused export elimination and export mangling) when reexporting namespace objects.
// inner.js
export const a = 1;
export const b = 2;
// module.js
export * as inner from './inner';
// or import * as inner from './inner'; export { inner };
// user.js
import * as module from './module';
In this example, the export b
can be removed in production mode.
Webpack 4 didn't analyze dependencies between exports and imports of a module. Webpack 5 has a new option optimization.innerGraph
, which is enabled by default in production mode, that runs an analysis on symbols in a module to figure out dependencies from exports to imports.
In a module like this:
import { something } from './something';
function usingSomething() {
return something;
export function test() {
return usingSomething();
The inner graph algorithm will figure out that something
is only used when the test
export is used. This allows to flag more exports as unused and to omit more code from the bundle.
When "sideEffects": false
is set, this allows to omit even more modules. In this example ./something
will be omitted when the test
export is unused.
To get the information about unused exports optimization.unusedExports
is required. To remove side-effect-free modules optimization.sideEffects
is required.
The following symbols can be analysed:
export default
with or variable declarations with/*#__PURE__*/
expressionsFEEDBACK: If you find something missing in this analysis, please report an issue and we consider adding it.
Using eval()
will bail-out this optimization for a module, because evaled code could reference any symbol in scope.
This optimization is also known as Deep Scope Analysis.
Webpack used to opt-out from used exports analysing for CommonJs exports and require()
Webpack 5 adds support for some CommonJs constructs, allows to eliminate unused CommonJs exports and track referenced export names from require()
The following constructs are supported:
exports|this|module.exports.xxx = ...
exports|this|module.exports = require("...")
(reexport)exports|this|module.exports.xxx = require("...").xxx
(reexport)Object.defineProperty(exports|this|module.exports, "xxx", ...)
a ESMObject.defineProperty(exports|this|module.exports, "__esModule", { value: true|!0 })
exports|this|module.exports.__esModule = true|!0
When detecting not analysable code, webpack bails out and doesn't track export information at all for these modules (for performance reasons).
The "sideEffects"
flag in package.json allows to manually flag modules as side-effect-free, which allows to drop them when unused.
Webpack 5 can also automatically flag modules as side-effect-free according to a static analysis of the source code.
Webpack 5 is now able (and does by default) to analyse and optimize modules per runtime (A runtime is often equal to an entrypoint). This allows to only exports in these entrypoints where they are really needed. Entrypoints doesn't affect each other (as long as using a runtime per entrypoint)
Module Concatenation also works per runtime to allow different concatenation for each runtime.
Module Concatenation has become a first class citizen and any module and dependency is now allowed to implement it. Initially webpack 5 already added support for ExternalModules and json modules, more will likely ship soonish.
export *
has been improved to track more info and do no longer flag the default
export as used.
export *
will now show warnings when webpack is sure that there are conflicting exports.
allows to manually tree shake the module via /* webpackExports: ["abc", "default"] */
magic comment.
We try to find a good trade-off between build performance in development mode and avoiding production-only problems by improving the similarity between both modes.
Webpack 5 enables the sideEffects
optimization by default in both modes. In webpack 4 this optimization lead to some production-only errors because of an incorrect "sideEffects"
flag in package.json. Enabling this optimization in development allows to find these problems faster and easier.
In many cases development and production happen on different OS with different case-sensitivity of filesystem, so webpack 5 adds a few more warnings/errors when there is something weird casing-wise.
Webpack detects when ASI happens and generates shorter code when no semicolons are inserted. Object(...)
-> (0, ...)
Webpack merges multiple export getters into a single runtime function call: r.d(x, "a", () => a); r.d(x, "b", () => b);
-> r.d(x, {a: () => a, b: () => b});
There are additional options in output.environment
They allows specifying which ECMAScript feature can be used for runtime code generated by webpack.
One usually do not specify this option directly, but would use the target
option instead.
Webpack 4 used to only emit ES5 code. Webpack 5 can generate both ES5 and ES6/ES2015 code now.
Supporting only modern browsers will generate shorter code using arrow functions and more spec-conform code using const
declarations with TDZ for export default
optionIn webpack 4 the target
was a rough choice between "web"
and "node"
(and a few others).
Webpack 5 gives you more options here.
The target
option now influences more things about the generated code than before:
enabled by defaultglobal
, __filename
, __dirname
field, exports
and imports
conditions)For some of these things the choice between "web"
and "node"
is too rough and we need more information.
Therefore we allow to specify the minimum version e.g. like "node10.13"
and infer more properties about the target environment.
It's now also allowed to combined multiple targets with an array and webpack will determine the minimum properties of all targets. Using an array is also useful when using targets that doesn't give full information like "web"
or "node"
(without version number). E. g. ["web", "es2020"]
combines these two partial targets.
There is a target "browserslist"
which will use browserslist data to determine properties of the environment.
This target is also used by default when there is a browserslist config available in the project. When none such config is available, the "web"
target will be used by default.
Some combinations and features are not yet implemented and will result in errors. They are preparations for future features. Examples:
["web", "node"]
will lead to an universal chunk loading method, which is not implemented yet["web", "node"]
+ output.module: true
will lead to a module chunk loading method, which is not implemented yet"web"
will lead to http(s):
imports being treated as module
externals, which are not implemented yet (Workaround: externalsPresets: { web: false, webAsync: true }
, which will use import()
instead).Modules now express size in a better way than a single number. There are different types of sizes now.
The SplitChunksPlugin now knows how to handle these different sizes and uses them for minSize
and maxSize
By default, only javascript
size is handled, but you can now pass multiple values to manage them:
module.exports = {
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
minSize: {
javascript: 30000,
webassembly: 50000,
You can still use a single number for sizes. In this case webpack will automatically use the default size types.
The mini-css-extract-plugin
uses css/mini-extra
as size type, and adds this size type to the default types automatically.
There is now a filesystem cache. It's opt-in and can be enabled with the following configuration:
module.exports = {
cache: {
// 1. Set cache type to filesystem
type: 'filesystem',
buildDependencies: {
// 2. Add your config as buildDependency to get cache invalidation on config change
config: [__filename],
// 3. If you have other things the build depends on you can add them here
// Note that webpack, loaders and all modules referenced from your config are automatically added
Important notes:
By default, webpack assumes that the node_modules
directory, which webpack is inside of, is only modified by a package manager. Hashing and timestamping is skipped for node_modules
Instead, only the package name and version is used for performance reasons.
Symlinks (i. e. npm/yarn link
) are fine as long resolve.symlinks: false
is not specified (avoid that anyway).
Do not edit files in node_modules
directly unless you opt-out of this optimization with snapshot.managedPaths: []
When using Yarn PnP webpack assumes that the yarn cache is immutable (which it usually is).
You can opt-out of this optimization with snapshot.immutablePaths: []
The cache will be stored into node_modules/.cache/webpack
(when using node_modules) resp. .yarn/.cache/webpack
(when using Yarn PnP) by default.
You probably never have to delete it manually, when all plugins handle caching correctly.
Many internal plugins will use the Persistent Cache too. Examples: SourceMapDevToolPlugin
(to cache the SourceMap generation) or ProgressPlugin
(to cache the number of modules)
The Persistent Cache will automatically create multiple cache files depending on usage to optimize read and write access to and from the cache.
By default timestamps will be used for snapshotting in development mode and file hashes in production mode. File hashes allow to use Persistent Caching on CI too.
Compilers now need to be closed after being used. Compilers now enter and leave the idle state and have hooks for these states. Plugins may use these hooks to do unimportant work. (i. e. the Persistent cache slowly stores the cache to disk). On compiler close - All remaining work should be finished as fast as possible. A callback signals the closing as done.
Plugins and their respective authors should expect that some users may forget to close the Compiler. So, all work should eventually be finishing while in idle too. Processes should be prevented from exiting when the work is being done.
The webpack()
façade automatically calls close
when being passed a callback.
MIGRATION: While using the Node.js API, make sure to call Compiler.close
when done.
Webpack used to always emit all output files during the first build but skipped writing unchanged files during incremental (watch) builds. It is assumed that nothing else changes output files while webpack is running.
With Persistent Caching added a watch-like experience should be given even when restarting the webpack process, but it would be a too strong assumption to think that nothing else changes the output directory even when webpack is not running.
So webpack will now check existing files in the output directory and compares their content with the output file in memory. It will only write the file when it has been changed. This is only done on the first build. Any incremental build will always write the file when a new asset has been generated in the running webpack process.
We assume that webpack and plugins only generate new assets when content has been changed. Caching should be used to ensure that no new asset is generated when input is equal. Not following this advice will degrade performance.
Files that are flagged as [immutable]
(including a content hash), will never be written when a file with the same name already exists.
We assume that the content hash will change when file content changes.
This is true in general, but might not be always true during webpack or plugin development.
Targets that only allow to startup a single file (like node, WebWorker, electron main) now supports loading the dependent pieces required for bootstrapping automatically by the runtime.
This allows using opimization.splitChunks
for these targets with chunks: "all"
and also optimization.runtimeChunk
Note that with targets where chunk loading is async, this makes initial evaluation async too. This can be an issue when using output.library
, since the exported value is a Promise now.
was updated to v5. This has the following improvements:
is possible nowexports
and imports
fieldsChunks that contain no JS code, will no longer generate a JS file. This allows to have chunks that contain only CSS.
Not all features are stable from the beginning. In webpack 4 we added experimental features and noted in the changelog that they are experimental, but it was not always clear from the configuration that these features are experimental.
In webpack 5 there is a new experiments
config option which allows to enable experimental features. This makes it clear which ones are enabled/used.
While webpack follows semantic versioning, it will make an exception for experimental features. Experimental features might contain breaking changes in minor webpack versions. When this happens we will add a clear note into the changelog. This will allow us to iterate faster for experimental features, while also allowing us to stay longer on a major version for stable features.
The following experiments will ship with webpack 5:
on top-level makes the module an async moduleexperiments.outputModule
)<script type="module">
and minimized in module modeNote that this also means WebAssembly support is now disabled by default.
The minimum supported Node.js version has increased from 6 to 10.13.0(LTS).
MIGRATION: Upgrade to the latest Node.js version available.
entry: {}
allows an empty object now (to allow to use plugins to add entries)target
supports an array, versions and browserslistcache: Object
removed: Setting to a memory-cache object is no longer possiblecache.type
added: It's now possible to choose between "memory"
and "filesystem"
cache.type = "filesystem"
added: Allows to disable/enable the safe resolve cacheresolve.concord
values can be arrays or false
added: Allows to restrict potential resolve resultsresolve.fallback
added: Allow to alias requests that failed to resolveresolve.preferRelative
added: Allows to resolve modules requests are relative requests toonode.Buffer
(Node.js native module) removedresolve.alias
and ProvidePlugin
. Errors will give hints. (Refer to node-libs-browser for polyfills & mocks used in v4)output.filename
can now be a functionoutput.assetModuleFilename
renamed to output.scriptType
is more strictfalse | eval | [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map
optimization.chunkIds: "deterministic"
addedoptimization.moduleIds: "deterministic"
addedoptimization.moduleIds: "hashed"
deprecatedoptimization.moduleIds: "total-size"
removed (NamedChunksPlugin
removed (NamedModulesPlugin
and moduleIds
no longer matches chunk name(module, { chunkGraph }) => chunkGraph.getModuleChunks(module).some(chunk => chunk.name === "name")
was addedoptimization.splitChunks
can now be a functionoptimization.splitChunks
sizes can now be objects with a size per source typeminSize
and maxInitialSize
added next to maxSize
: allows to specify different max sizes for initial and async chunksoptimization.splitChunks
name: true
removed: Automatic names are no longer supportedchunkIds: "named"
will give your files useful names for debuggingoptimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups[].idHint
added: Gives a hint how the named chunk id should be chosenoptimization.splitChunks
is no longer restricted to initial chunksoptimization.splitChunks
added to include used exports when comparing modulesoptimization.splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes
added: Specified the size types when using numbers for sizesoptimization.mangleExports
can be used to reference the defaultsoptimization.usedExports
value added to allow to disable the analysis per runtime and instead do it globally (better performance)optimization.noEmitOnErrors
renamed to optimization.emitOnErrors
and logic invertedoptimization.realContentHash
removedoutput.chunkFilename: Function
is now allowedoutput.hotUpdateChunkFilename: Function
is now forbidden: It never worked anyway.output.hotUpdateMainFilename: Function
is now forbidden: It never worked anyway.output.importFunctionName: string
specifies the name used as replacement for import()
to allow polyfilling for non-supported environmentsoutput.charset
added: setting it to false omit the charset
property on script tagsoutput.hotUpdateFunction
renamed to output.hotUpdateGlobal
renamed to output.chunkLoadingGlobal
renamed to output.chunkLoadingGlobal
and parser
will merge in a different way (objects are deeply merged, array may include "..."
to reference to prev value)module.rules
added: Allows to configure the worker supportedmodule.rules
and loaders
were removedmodule.rules
passing a string is deprecatedmodule.rules
added: allows to match a mimetype of a DataURImodule.rules
added: allows to match a data from package.jsonmodule.defaultRules
can be used to reference the defaultsstats.chunkRootModules
added: Show root modules for chunksstats.orphanModules
added: Show modules which are not emittedstats.runtime
added: Show runtime modulesstats.chunkRelations
added: Show parent/children/sibling chunksstats.errorStack
added: Show webpack-internal stack trace of errorsstats.preset
added: select a presetstats.relatedAssets
added: show assets that are related to other assets (e.g. SourceMaps)stats.warningsFilter
deprecated in favor of ignoreWarnings
signature changeddata.basename
as hash for the full compilation is now deprecated[fullhash]
instead or better use another hash option[modulehash]
is deprecated[hash]
is deprecated[id]
when passing a function, it has now a different signature ({ context, request }, callback)
added (see Experiments section above)watchOptions.followSymlinks
can now be a RegExpwebpack.util.serialization
is now exposed.target
is now "browserslist"
by default when a browserslist config is availablemodule.unsafeCache
is now only enabled for node_modules
by defaultoptimization.moduleIds
defaults to deterministic
in production mode, instead of size
defaults to deterministic
in production mode, instead of total-size
defaults to false
in none
defaults to 20k
in productionoptimization.splitChunks.enforceSizeThreshold
defaults to 50k
in productionoptimization.splitChunks
defaults to minSize
and maxInitialRequests
defaults was been increased to 30optimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups.vendors
has be renamed to optimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups.defaultVendors
now defaults to true
target default uses compress.passes: 2
in terser options nowresolve(Loader).cache
defaults to true
when cache
is usedresolve(Loader).cacheWithContext
defaults to false
remove .json
and node.__dirname
defaults to false
in node-target
defaults to false
This new API should simplify the usage for options in loaders. It allows to pass a JSON schema for validation. See PR for details
This has been removed from loader context
MIGRATION: This can be implemented in the loader itself
in the loader API will merge options in a different way, see module.rules
As webpack 5 differs between different issuing dependencies so it might make sense to pass a dependencyType
as option (e.g. "esm"
, "commonjs"
, or others).
The following changes are only relevant for plugin authors:
Plugins in webpack 5 are now applies before the configuration defaults has been applied. This allows plugins to apply their own defaults, or act as configuration presets.
But this is also a breaking change as plugins can't rely on configuration values to be set when they are applied.
MIGRATION: Access configuration only in plugin hooks. Or best avoid accessing configuration at all and take options via constructor.
A large part of the runtime code was moved into the so-called "runtime modules". These special modules are in-charge of adding runtime code. They can be added into any chunk, but are currently always added to the runtime chunk. "Runtime Requirements" control which runtime modules (or core runtime parts) are added to the bundle. This ensures that only runtime code that is used is added to the bundle. In the future, runtime modules could also be added to an on-demand-loaded chunk, to load runtime code when needed.
In most cases, the core runtime allows to inline the entry module instead of calling it with __webpack_require__
. If there is no other module in the bundle, no __webpack_require__
is needed at all. This combines well with Module Concatenation where multiple modules are concatenated into a single module.
In the best case, no runtime code is needed at all.
MIGRATION: If you are injecting runtime code into the webpack runtime in a plugin, consider using RuntimeModules instead.
A serialization mechanism was added to allow serialization of complex objects in webpack. It has an opt-in semantic, so classes that should be serialized need to be explicitly flagged (and their serialization implemented). This has been done for most Modules, all Dependencies and some Errors.
MIGRATION: When using custom Modules or Dependencies, it is recommended to make them serializable to benefit from persistent caching.
A Cache
class with a plugin interface has been added. This class can be used to write and read to the cache. Depending on the configuration, different plugins can add functionality to the cache. The MemoryCachePlugin
adds in-memory caching. The FileCachePlugin
adds persistent (file-system) caching.
The FileCachePlugin
uses the serialization mechanism to persist and restore cached items to/from the disk.
Classes with hooks
have their hooks
object frozen, so adding custom hooks is no longer possible this way.
MIGRATION: The recommended way to add custom hooks is using a WeakMap and a static getXXXHooks(XXX)
(i. e. getCompilationHook(compilation)
) method. Internal classes use the same mechanism used for custom hooks.
The compat layer for webpack 3 plugins has been removed. It had already been deprecated for webpack 4.
Some less used tapable APIs were removed or deprecated.
MIGRATION: Use the new tapable API.
For several steps in the sealing process, there had been multiple hooks for different stages. i. e. optimizeDependenciesBasic
and optimizeDependenciesAdvanced
. These have been removed in favor of a single hook which can be used with a stage
option. See OptimizationStages
for possible stage values.
MIGRATION: Hook into the remaining hook instead. You may add a stage
Bundle templating has been refactored. MainTemplate/ChunkTemplate/ModuleTemplate were deprecated and the JavascriptModulesPlugin takes care of JS templating now.
Before that refactoring, JS output was handled by Main/ChunkTemplate while another output (i. e. WASM, CSS) was handled by plugins. This looks like JS is first class, while another output is second class. The refactoring changes that and all output is handled by their plugins.
It's still possible to hook into parts of the templating. The hooks are in JavascriptModulesPlugin instead of Main/ChunkTemplate now. (Yes plugins can have hooks too. I call them attached hooks.)
There is a compat-layer, so Main/Chunk/ModuleTemplate still exist, but only delegate tap calls to the new hook locations.
MIGRATION: Follow the advice in the deprecation messages. Mostly pointing to hooks at different locations.
If an object is passed as entry point the value might be a string, array of strings or a descriptor:
module.exports = {
entry: {
catalog: {
import: './catalog.js',
Descriptor syntax might be used to pass additional options to an entry point.
By default, the output filename for the entry chunk is extracted from output.filename
but you can specify a custom output filename for a specific entry:
module.exports = {
entry: {
about: { import: './about.js', filename: 'pages/[name][ext]' },
By default, every entry chunk stores all the modules that it uses. With dependOn
-option you can share the modules from one entry chunk to another:
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: { import: './app.js', dependOn: 'react-vendors' },
'react-vendors': ['react', 'react-dom', 'prop-types'],
The app chunk will not contain the modules that react-vendors
The entry descriptor allows to pass a different library
option for each entrypoint.
module.exports = {
entry: {
commonjs: {
import: './lib.js',
library: {
type: 'commonjs-module',
amd: {
import: './lib.js',
library: {
type: 'amd',
The entry descriptor allows to specify a runtime
per entry.
When specified a chunk with this name is created which contains only the runtime code for the entry.
When multiple entries specify the same runtime
, that chunk will contain a common runtime for all these entry.
This means they could be used together on the same HTML page.
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: {
import: './app.js',
runtime: 'app-runtime',
The entry descriptor allows to specify a chunkLoading
per entry.
The runtime for this entry will use this to load chunks.
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: {
import: './app.js',
worker: {
import: './worker.js',
chunkLoading: 'importScripts',
Webpack used to order modules and chunks in the Compilation phase, in a specific way, to assign IDs in incremental order. This is no longer the case. The order will no longer be used for id generation, instead, the full control of ID generation is in the plugin.
Hooks to optimize the order of module and chunks have been removed.
MIGRATION: You cannot rely on the order of modules and chunks in the compilation phase no more.
There is a compat-layer which prints deprecation warnings.
MIGRATION: Use Set methods instead of Array methods.
This new class can be used to access information about the filesystem in a cached way. Currently, it allows asking for both file and directory timestamps. Information about timestamps is transferred from the watcher if possible, otherwise determined by filesystem access.
In the future, asking for file content hashes will be added and modules will be able to check validity with file contents instead of file hashes.
MIGRATION: Instead of using file/contextTimestamps
use the compilation.fileSystemInfo
API instead.
Timestamping for directories is possible now, which allows serialization of ContextModules.
has been added (next to Compiler.removedFiles
) to make it easier to reference the changed files.
Next to compiler.inputFileSystem
and compiler.outputFileSystem
there is a new compiler.intermediateFileSystem
for all fs actions that are not considered as input or output, like writing records, cache or profiling output.
The filesystems have now the fs
interface and do no longer demand additional methods like join
or mkdirp
. But if they have methods like join
or dirname
they are used.
HMR runtime has been refactored to Runtime Modules. HotUpdateChunkTemplate
has been merged into ChunkTemplate
. ChunkTemplates and plugins should also handle HotUpdateChunk
s now.
The javascript part of HMR runtime has been separated from the core HMR runtime. Other module types can now also handle HMR in their own way. In the future, this will allow i. e. HMR for the mini-css-extract-plugin or for WASM modules.
MIGRATION: As this is a newly introduced functionality, there is nothing to migrate.
exposes the same API as module.hot
. This is also usable from strict ESM modules (.mjs, type: "module" in package.json) which do not have access to module
Webpack used to handle module processing by functions calling functions, and a semaphore
which limits parallelism. The Compilation.semaphore
has been removed and async queues now handle work queuing and processing. Each step has a separate queue:
: calling the module factory for a group of dependencies.Compilation.addModuleQueue
: adding the module to the compilation queue (may restore module from cache).Compilation.buildQueue
: building the module if necessary (may stores module to cache).Compilation.rebuildQueue
: building a module again if manually triggered.Compilation.processDependenciesQueue
: processing dependencies of a module.These queues have some hooks to watch and intercept job processing.
In the future, multiple compilers may work together and job orchestration can be done by intercepting these queues.
MIGRATION: As this is a newly introduced functionality, there is nothing to migrate.
Webpack internals includes some logging now.
and infrastructureLogging
options can be used to enabled these messages.
Webpack used to store a resolved module in the dependency, and store the contained modules in the chunk. This is no longer the case. All information about how modules are connected in the module graph are now stored in a ModuleGraph class. All information about how modules are connected with chunks are now stored in the ChunkGraph class. The information which depends on i. e. the chunk graph, is also stored in the related class.
That means the following information about modules has been moved:
Webpack used to disconnect modules from the graph when restored from the cache. This is no longer necessary. A Module stores no info about the graph and can technically be used in multiple graphs. This makes caching easier.
There is a compat-layer for most of these changes, which prints a deprecation warning when used.
MIGRATION: Use the new APIs on ModuleGraph and ChunkGraph
has been removed in favor of InitFragments. DependencyTemplates
can now add InitFragments
to inject code to the top of the module's source. InitFragments
allows deduplication.
MIGRATION: Use InitFragments
instead of inserting something at a negative index into the source.
Modules now have to define which source types they support via Module.getSourceTypes()
. Depending on that, different plugins call source()
with these types. i. e. for source type javascript
the JavascriptModulesPlugin
embeds the source code into the bundle. Source type webassembly
will make the WebAssemblyModulesPlugin
emit a wasm file. Custom source types are also supported, i. e. the mini-css-extract-plugin will probably use the source type stylesheet
to embed the source code into a css file.
There is no relationship between module type and source type. i. e. module type json
also uses source type javascript
and module type webassembly/experimental
uses source types javascript
and webassembly
MIGRATION: Custom modules need to implement these new interface methods.
Stats preset
, default
, json
and toString
are now baked in by a plugin system. Converted the current Stats into plugins.
MIGRATION: Instead of replacing the whole Stats functionality, you can now customize it. Extra information can now be added to the stats json instead of writing a separate file.
The watcher used by webpack was refactored. It was previously using chokidar
and the native dependency fsevents
(only on macOS). Now it's only based on native Node.js fs
. This means there is no native dependency left in webpack.
It also captures more information about filesystem while watching. It now captures mtimes and watches event times, as well as information about missing files. For this, the WatchFileSystem
API changed a little bit. While on it we also converted Arrays to Sets and Objects to Maps.
Webpack now replaces the Sources in Compilation.assets
with SizeOnlySource
variants to reduce memory usage.
The warning Multiple assets emit different content to the same filename
has been made an error.
The way how information about exports of modules is stored has been refactored. The ModuleGraph now features an ExportsInfo
for each Module
, which stores information per export. It also stores information about unknown exports and if the module is used in a side-effect-only way.
For each export the following information is stored:
)import * as X from "..."; export { X };
The Compilation features Code Generation as separate compilation phase now. It no longer runs hidden in Module.source()
or Module.getRuntimeRequirements()
This should make the flow much cleaner. It also allows to report progress for this phase and makes Code Generation more visible when profiling.
MIGRATION: Module.source()
and Module.getRuntimeRequirements()
are deprecated now. Use Module.codeGeneration()
Webpack used to have a single method and type to represent references of dependencies (Compilation.getDependencyReference
returning a DependencyReference
This type used to include all information about this reference like the referenced Module, which exports have been imported, if it's a weak reference and also some ordering related information.
Bundling all these information together makes getting the reference expensive and it's also called often (every time somebody needs one piece of information).
In webpack 5 this part of the codebase was refactored and the method has been split up.
flag on the Dependency
and can be get via sourceOrder
propertyThere is now a new type of dependency in NormalModules
: Presentational Dependencies
These dependencies are only used during the Code Generation phase but are not used during Module Graph building. So they can never have referenced modules or influence exports/imports.
These dependencies are cheaper to process and webpack uses them when possible
It will be deprecated. Use
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
xyz$: false,
or use an absolute path
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
[path.resolve(__dirname, '....')]: false,
: When generating a compiler name with absolute paths, make sure to separate them with |
or !
on both parts of the name.|
is replaced with space in Stats string output.SystemPlugin
is now disabled by default.Rule.parser.system: true
: concatenation is no longer prevented by DependencyVariables
as they have been removedmodule
, global
, process
or the ProvidePluginStats.presetToOptions
and SingleEntryDependency
and EntryDependency
and __webpack_chunkname__
can always be used and runtime code is injected where needed.ProgressPlugin
no longer uses tapable context for reportProgress
is now re-enabled for .mjs
json errors
and warnings
no longer contain strings but objects with information splitted into properties.message
is deprecatedNormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader
from waterfall to bailing, changed and renamed hooks that return waterfall functionscompilationParams.compilationDependencies
to fileDependencies.add
is now always an array__webpack_get_script_filename__
function added to get the filename of a script file"sideEffects"
in package.json will be handled by glob-to-regex
instead of micromatch
was removed from IgnorePlugin
API allows export usage introspectionserve
property from schemaCachePlugin
is deprecated, use ChunkGraph insteadChunk.hasEntryModule
is deprecatedChunk.addModule
is deprecatedChunk.removeModule
is deprecatedChunk.getNumberOfModules
is deprecatedChunk.modulesIterable
is deprecatedChunk.compareTo
is deprecatedChunk.containsModule
is deprecatedChunk.getModules
is deprecatedChunk.remove
is deprecatedChunk.moveModule
is deprecatedChunk.integrate
is deprecatedChunk.canBeIntegrated
is deprecatedChunk.isEmpty
is deprecatedChunk.modulesSize
is deprecatedChunk.size
is deprecatedChunk.integratedSize
is deprecatedChunk.getChunkModuleMaps
is deprecatedChunk.hasModuleInGraph
is deprecatedChunk.updateHash
signature changedChunk.getChildIdsByOrders
signature changed (TODO: consider moving to ChunkGraph
signature changed (TODO: consider moving to ChunkGraph
was removed in favor of Compilation.getCache()
no longer disconnected the group from blockChunkGroup.compareTo
signature changedChunkGroup.getChildrenByOrders
signature changedChunkGroup
index and index renamed to pre/post order indexChunkTemplate.hooks.modules
signature changedChunkTemplate.hooks.render
signature changedChunkTemplate.updateHashForChunk
signature changedCompilation.hooks.optimizeChunkOrder
, Compilation.contextDependencies
and Compilation.missingDependencies
are now LazySetsCompilation.entries
is now a DependencyTemplates
class instead of a raw Map
and contextTimestamps
is now called after the hashes of modules are createdCompiliation.hooks.beforeModuleHash
added, which points to the root compilerCompiler.hooks.afterDone
is no longer set by the CompilerCompilation.emittedAssets
added: It's a unique name of the compiler in the compiler tree. (Unique to the root compiler scope)Module.needRebuild
signature changedDependency.getExports
signature changedDependency.getWarnings
signature changedDependency.getErrors
signature changedDependency.updateHash
signature changedDependency.module
signature changedHotModuleReplacementPlugin.getParserHooks
was moved to JavascriptParser
was moved to JavascriptParserHelpers
some signatures changedModule.hash
moved to NormalModule
, isExportUsed
and getUsedName
signature changedModule.sortItems
signature changedModuleFilenameHelpers.createFilename
signature changedModuleProfile
class added with more dataModuleReason
signatures changedModuleTemplate.render
signature changedCompiler.dependencies
, NormalModuleFactory.contextDependencies
and NormalModuleFactory.missingDependencies
are now LazySetsRuntimeTemplate
methods now take runtimeRequirements
property is removedStats.jsonToString
helper methods removedStats.toJson
signature changed (second argument removed)ExternalModule.external
store: "instant"
and store: "pack"
and resolvedModule
to reasons in Stats which point to the module before optimizations like scope hoistingresolvedModule
in Stats toString outputfile/context/missingDependencies
in Compilation
are no longer sorted for performance reasonsCompiler.assetEmitted
has an improved second argument with more informationminChunkSize
option from LimitChunkCountPlugin
-> webpack.javascript.JavascriptModulesPlugin
as context from System.js when using System.js as libraryTargetassetInfo
from emitAsset
will now merge when nested objects or arrays are used[query]
is now a valid placeholder when for paths based on a filename
like assetsCompilation.deleteAsset
to correctly delete an assets and non-shared related assetsrequire("webpack-sources")
as require("webpack").sources
Webpack 5 has been officially released. Read our announcement. Not ready yet? Read webpack 4 documentation here.